Sunday, April 25, 2010

Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key - Jack Gantos

As soon as I started reading this book I couldn't stop. I was immediately caught up in the life of Joey. And what a life he has! I am normally not the biggest fan of children's literature, but this book has everything that I want a book to have...I was laughing throughout, but I also cried. Joey's story is so touching it seems impossible not to get emotionally involved in the story. I was amazed by how engaged I became when reading this novel. I would recommend this book to children and adults alike. Reading Joey reminded me of myself sitting in school, although Joey is an extreme case of a child who just can't seem to sit still. This book has value to teachers and students for the number of issues that can be addressed. Additionally, it should be a pleasurable experience for most readers, but also an emotional rollercoaster. Gantos really makes readers feel for Joey and his most difficult life. Yet, the story isn't as somber as Joey's life actually could be.


  1. Casimer,
    I also have enjoyed Joey books. I think that kids like these books because it can take a difficult issue, add humor, and make it seems like it is ok to talk about. Thanks for sharing this!

  2. Casimer,
    I am going to have to check Joey book out. This one reminds me of when I was 4 and my little brother was 2 and we were moving from Kansas to Indiana and he took the key out of the ignition and droped it down into the door. My parents kept asking him if he swallowed it. They literally had to take the whole door apart.
    Thanks for sharing,
