Saturday, September 18, 2010

Vita's Book Share - September 18, 2010

Roald Dahl is a master at engaging young readers (James and the Giant Peach, Esio Trot, Fantastic Mr. Fox, etc.) and this book is no exception. I have read and reread this to children ranging in grades kindergarten through sixth and it has never failed to capture and entertain my audience. This is the type of book in which students anxiously look forward to hearing more -- always a great feeling for a teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Twit are the most hilariously revolting, abusive, and mean-spirited people anyone could ever meet. Children are most delighted (disgusted) by the antics of these two characters. For example, Mr. Twit popping out his glass eye and putting it into Mrs. Twit's mug. Quentin Blake's stand up to this narrative and are as equally entertaining.


  1. Great choice! I loved this book as a child and loved to share it with my son this year. Those Twits are so disgusting! I was always a bit wary of reading it to my class because of all the beer drinking.

  2. Glad you brought that up Emily. When I come to the word, beer, I change it to cider.

  3. Ben and I use Dahl's THE BFG as a read aloud. It's one that takes some practice since the giant mixes up his words quite a bit. However, it has such a wonderful entertaining quality that is laced with a message of compassion and understanding.
