Sunday, October 31, 2010
Bully Books
"The Recess Queen", written by Alexis O'Neill and illustrated by Laura Huliska-Beith, is a book about bullies on the playground during recess which seems to be getting worse.
"The Bully Blockers Club" is written by Teresa Bateman and illustrated by Jackie Urbanovic. What I liked about this story was how the students who were bullied came together and "stood up" to the bullies in their classroom and formed a club in order to support each other. I also liked the positive aproach the author used when describing the actions of the students who were bullied as opposed to having them physically fight back.
"Eddie Longpants" is written by Mireille Levert and is also one of the books Margaret listed on the syllabus.
"Trouble in the Barkers' Class" is written by Tomie DePaola. I thought the author's point of view was interesting with the new student considered the bully as opposed to the new student being bullied.
"Oliver Button is a Sissy" is also written by Tomie DePaola. I also like the author's point of view with the young boy being the "bullied" student.
Ultimately, I think it's important for us (the educator) address the issues of bullying especially with all the recent headlines pertaining to bullying. Bullying is usually something that is acknowledged but rarely thoroughly studied within our school corporation, classroom, and even our students.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Kate's Resource Share
I said I would post this a long time ago but I kept forgetting to have someone scan it for me (I only had a hard copy until now). These are the sentence stems that I mentioned several weeks ago in a post. The were shared with me as part of a professional development training. The are very useful in helping students learn how to talk about what they have read. Some of them have to be adjusted to make sense at times, but kids seem to be pretty good about figuring that out. I also write some of my own if the ones on this sheet don't seem to fit. According to the presenter, these also help students learn to think and write in complete sentences. I can see that as a possibility but I have no hard research to back up this assertion. I find that they also help teach students positive behaviors for social interaction.I hope you enjoy. (I had it in a nice neat graph, but I can't get it to attach as an image or copy and paste well!)
Comprehension Skills and Say Something Stems
A competent reader will demonstrate the ability to:
Retell Facts
* "l thought it was interesting when ...happened"
Story Elements
* "l'm going to discuss..."..the setting(time + place
..the problem
..a series of events
..the turning point
..the resolution
Analvze the Character
* "l think the character . . .f e e l s . . . "
* "l think the character'smood is . . . "
*"The character... acts like . . . "
* "The character . . .d o e s . . . "
*"The character... thinks(and/or believes) . . . "
*"l think the character has these personality traits:
Make lnferences
* "Even though ... is never said in the text, I think it means . . . "
* "Even though ... doesn't say ... I think he/she means/t this. . . "
Associate PersonalFeelings
* "When. . . happened, itmade me leel . . . "
Predict Upcoming Events
*" l predict. . . .will happen next! "
*"Because I know that . . . ,I think ... will happen nextl"
Speculate about Possibilities
* "l wonder what might have happened if ... had happened,"
Make a SummaryStatement
*"ln 20 words or less, I think this story was about ..." (who, where,when, and what)
Make a Relevant Connection
(Personal and Literary)
* "When ... happened. it reminded me of . . . "
* " W h e n . . . h a p p e n e d , it reminded me of ... I've read in... book (movie, TV, play).
Analyze the Main ldea and Theme
*"l'm going to discuss the title . .. "
* "The author's main idea was . . . '
* "The theme of the text is . . ."
Analyze Author's Stvle
* "l think the author's philosophy of life is . . . "
*"l'd like to thank ... forhis/her expressive language. Join me on page ... paragraph... and I will read it to you."
* "ln so and so's other book these things ... are similar."
* "ln so and so's other book, these things . . .are di fferent . "
*"This author is like or different from such and such author because. . . "
Demonstrate Knowledse of Vocabulary
*"Some challenging and interesting words and phrases the author tried are ..." (give page and
* "ln ... story the author used these kinds of words,and in this story he/she used . . . "
* "Please join me on page..., paragraph ... and l e t ' s talk about the author's fascinating vocabulary and phrasing."
Analvze lllustrations /Charts / Graphs
* "l like (dislikel these illustrations because . . ."
* "These illustrations truly fit the meaning of the text because . . . "
* "These illustrations give extra meaning to the text because . . . "
# "These charts and graphs support a reader's understanding because . . . "
Reread or Restate to Validate or Revise
* "l think this ... and l ' d like you to join me on page . . paragraph . . , while I
read to you the proof of my thinking."
# "When I made a prediction, at first I thought ... and now I know . . . "
Contrast and Compare
* " ... is like ... because
* "... is not like . . .because.". .
Demonstrate Environment of Reading
* "l'd like you to join me on page ..., paragraph . . .while I read aloud my favorite part."
*" lt made me laugh (cry,angry, sad, etc.) to read about . . . "
'CreatingC lasstooms{o r Authorsa nd Inquirersb v Kathy G. Short and JeromeH arstew ith CarolynB urkea nd contributingT eacherR esearchersN, l1:t leinemann,1 996
"The numberb esidee achs tandardc oo.dinatesw ith the numberf ound in the text of IRA/NCTES tandardsfo r the Enqlis.hL an0uaqeA rts, Urbana,l L: NCTE/IRA.1 996
Say Somelhing, Pass and Read, and Synonym Substitution have been adapted and prepared by Mary Lynn Woods, Education Consultant-
T h i s s t r a t e g y m e y n o t b e r e p r i n t e d w i t h o u t s p e c i a l permissionfromMaryLynnWoods. {March20Ol}
Page 3 of 4
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Ben's Resource Share
This is a website that I have been playing with for a while. It offers hundreds of online books to be read from over 24 different publishers. The books range from non-fiction books to classics such as Moby Dick. It is a resource that could help to reach reluctant readers by offering a different medium in which to read those books. This could be a resource that allows kids who are more into technology than reading to get hooked on books.
Big Universe also includes a writing component that allows students to write and publish their own works on the web so they can be read by others.
To completely use this site, a fee must be paid and they have rates for single classrooms, or group rates for full schools. Without paying the fee, you still have access to the books to read including the ones written by kids.
In using this site, I have enjoyed the large quantities of non-fiction literature that they provide. I also like how some of the classic novels are put into a graphic novel form. They add more pictures for context clues and understanding. I believe there are several great starting books on here for struggling readers, or even ELL students.
Jevy's Resource Share
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Erika's Resource Share
On this site, actors and actresses such as Betty White, James Earl Jones, Robert Guillaume, former Vice President Al Gore, and more read aloud some favorite children's books. As they read, the text of the book is shown beneath the video and the illustrations of the books are perused.
Books like Thank You, Mr. Falker, Enemy Pie, Harry the Dirty Dog, Stellaluna and more are read by these excellent readers, who put emotion and enthusiasm into the reading. We all know how vital good read alouds are to inspiring students to read, and this is an excellent way to have a reading center for students where they can hear the book from another passionate reader.
I can also see huge potential for students learning English as a new language. They can, as individuals, see and hear the same story many times, which will build better connections to the text. The books are all picture books, so they have built in support for understanding the story.
Watching Jane Kaczmarek (from Malcom in the Middle fame) nearly choke up with tears as she reads Thank You, Mr. Falker will be all you need to be sold on this site.
Emily's Resource Share (#3)
Monday, September 27, 2010
Paige's Book Share: The Dot
Reynolds is both the author and illustrator of this book and his pictures tell so much about the story, as well as his words. The theme of the book is creativity. A little girl is convinced she cannot draw so her art teacher tells her to make a dot on the piece of paper. The little girl does and the next day her dot is in a gold frame above the art teacher's desk. From there her creatively is sparked because she has confidence. The story ends with the little girl helping a boy find his creativity, so the ending is a ripple effect. I think this book does a great job of encouraging children to harness an idea (any idea!) and running with it.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Kate: Book recommendation #2
David Weisner is an incredibly talented artist and author who is known for his wordless books. Flotsam, which earned him the Caldecott Medal, is one of his best in my humble opinion. It shows the story of a young boy who discovers a camera washed up on the beach. After developing the film, secrets of the ocean are revealed to him, such as mechanical fish, tiny alien tourists, sea shell cities on the backs of sea turtles, and giant starfish that house islands.
However, his most interesting find is a photo of a girl holding a picture of a boy holding a picture of a girl. As he examines this picture-within-a-picture with his microscope with varying levels of magnification, he finds his way to the black-and-white photo of the camera's orginal owner. Knowing what he has to do, he takes a picture of himself holding the photograph and throws the camera back into the ocean....destined to have more adventures and be discovered by another curious child.
Because this book is wordless, every student can "read" the story, including English Language Learners. It is terrific for writing extensions as well, because you can have your students write the story, either for part or all of the book, and then reread the book with their words. This book is a high interest way to use the strengths of every level of reader to have an experience with literature.
Ben - Book Share #2 9/23/10
Baloney (Henry P.), by Jon Scieszka and illustrated by Lane Smith, is the story of one little alien who was late to class one too many times. His teacher has had it and is threatening life long detention unless he can come up with a good excuse. As his name would suggest, the one he comes up with is full of baloney, but it is a good tale. It all begins with the misplacement of his zimulis.... that's right zimulis. You can gather by the context clues that his zimulis is his pencil. His chase of his pencil leads him past his szkola, and onto a razzo, and leads to him becoming kuningas of a whole planet. A tall tale indeed.
The first reading of this book is great for helping students and teachers remember how hard it can be to learn to read. It puts them in the same situation of a struggling reader or an ELL student. All the words that I discussed above are words from other languages. Scieszka completes the book with a glossary for all the words including which language they come from. He uses everything from Swahili to Latin to Latvian. This entertaining tall tale can provide an interesting lesson.
Jevy Lenderman's Book Share
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Paige's Resource Share
Emily Shares Oh Freedom!: Kids Talk About the Civil Rights Movement with the People Who Made It Happen
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Annie's Book Share
The most popular books in my school are the Olivia books written by Ian Falconer. The Olivia series has 5 books so far, a webpage , a US Postal Service Stamp and a TV show on Nick Jr. The books are about a mischievous piglet named Olivia, her family, and her common childhood adventures.
I have found these books encourage reluctant readers to begin reading. The students feel like they get to know Olivia and want to read more about her and her adventures. It seems like once they attach to one book character like the cute piglet they are able to move to new characters like Skippy Jon Jones or Fancy Nancy and then onto books like Junie B. Jones and beyond.
Annie's Resource Share
The resource I would like to share is I have found this website to be a wonderful resource to quickly recall books you have within your classroom library. You can add tags to each book and search by those tags. If I need to find a good book to model locating main idea I type main idea and it will bring up all the books in my library that I have included as main idea books. I can search for authors, titles, genres, tags or themes. It simplifies finding books within my library. I don’t know what I would do without it!
Vita's Resource Share: 1001 Children's Books You Must Read Before You Grow Up
Vita's Book Share - September 18, 2010
Roald Dahl is a master at engaging young readers (James and the Giant Peach, Esio Trot, Fantastic Mr. Fox, etc.) and this book is no exception. I have read and reread this to children ranging in grades kindergarten through sixth and it has never failed to capture and entertain my audience. This is the type of book in which students anxiously look forward to hearing more -- always a great feeling for a teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Twit are the most hilariously revolting, abusive, and mean-spirited people anyone could ever meet. Children are most delighted (disgusted) by the antics of these two characters. For example, Mr. Twit popping out his glass eye and putting it into Mrs. Twit's mug. Quentin Blake's stand up to this narrative and are as equally entertaining.
Jevy Lenderman's Book Share
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Kelly-The Report Card by Andrew Clements
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Ben - book share 9/15/10
Comfort Snowberger is a young girl whose family life is different than most young kids. Her favorite hobby is writing obituaries, or as she calls them "life notices." She is surrounded by death all the time, but not phased by it. Comfort's family makes their home at the Snowberger Funeral Home. Comfort sees death on a daily basis, but it does not mean anything until two family members die in a short period of time. While having to deal with the deaths of family members, Comfort also has to deal with possibly losing her best friend, and dealing with her embarrassing younger cousin Peach. To add to the tension, there is a bigger flood coming, and Comfort is going to be stuck in the middle of it in a life or death situation.
This book by Deborah Wiles has been a wonderful tool in my classroom. I realized how powerful it was when one of my students lost her father on the very first day of school. This book helped her to understand her feelings and to vocalize them in some way. It is a book that forces us to be empathetic, and helps us to see how important family and friends can be in tough times. Most importantly this book shows us that when death comes visiting, it is not important how someone died, it is important how they lived. It teaches us that life is messy and beautiful all at the same time.
Vita's Book Share, September 15, 2010
Eva Marie Olinski is the new sixth grade teacher at Epiphany Middle School. She returned to teaching after a 10-year absence resulting from an automobile accident. She is a paraplegic and is working to regain her independence and to establish herself as a professional educator. One of her first tasks was to choose a group of four exceptional pupils to represent her grade in the Academic Bowl. E.L. Konigsburg artfully interweaves the relationships among these four very unique students and Mrs. Olinski. This Newbery Award winning book is filled with a variety of themes -- friendship, adjustment, acceptance, etc. -- and characters making it an excellent choice for the classroom.
Annie's Book Share: Hispanic Heritage Month Resources
The following books I feel will be excellent resources for elementary level teachers to use during Hispanic Heritage month (September 15 through October 15).
My favorite book that I will use this year during Hispanic Heritage month is the Pura Belpré Illustrator honor book The Pot That Juan Built written by Nancy Andrew-Coebel, illustrated by David Diaz. This book is a duel text with narrative in the form of a rhyme on one page with an accompanying non-fiction page describing Juan the potter and the process of making traditional Mexican pottery. I really like that this book makes a nonfiction text more appealing to young students with rhyme and repeated text.
The second resource I feel would be an excellent read aloud during Hispanic Heritage month is the Pura Belpré Illustrator Award and a Pura Belpré Author Honor book Doña Flor: A Tall Tale About a Giant Woman with a Great Big Heart. This book is an excellent Hispanic folk tale, which tells the story of Flor a giant woman who is kind to everyone in her village and all of the animals. The main topic of the story is how she helps her village when they are terrified of the giant puma. The students will enjoy this story because of the beautiful illustrations and the Hispanic elements in the text.
The third book I enjoyed is especially good for use with students who are children of farm workers because it tells the story of Cesar Chavez, the friend of the farm workers. Additionally it is an excellent resource to share with students about peaceful problem solving and standing up for what you believe in. The book is called ¡SÃ, Se Puede! Yes, we can! By Carmen T. Bernier-Grand, illustrated by David Diaz. This book received both the Pura Belpre illustrator and author honors. It is a beautifully written biography in the form of poems. It describes the entire life of Cesar from birth until death.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Erika's Book Share 9/14/10
Emily's Book Share: One Small Blue Bead by Byrd Baylor
One small blue bead...A turquoise beadNo larger thanAn apple seed...You might not noticeA thing so small.You might walk byAnd not see it at all (2)
Paige's Resource Share
Paige's Book Share
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Margaret's Resource: Esme' Codell
Here is a blog by Esme Raji Codell which is devoted to children’s literature. In her memoir Educating Esme, Ms. Codell shared her diary from her first year of teaching. The memoir is both funny and poignant as we read about the joys and difficulties of teaching in a challenging, urban elementary school. More recently, Ms. Codell is writing popular children’s books (check out Sahara Special). This blog is FILLED with suggestions of books from many genres which are nearly guaranteed to entice kids into the world of reading. I also enjoy the section on the bottom right corner entitled “Where I Lurk Lately” which lists many other really useful blogs also about children’s literature.
How to Get Your Child to Love Reading by Esme' Raji Codell
This book was my first introduction to Codell's work. One of the things that I admire is the way Codell moved from being a teacher, to a librarian, to an overall promoter of children's literature and MOST IMPORTANTLY, turning kids on to reading. This resource is full of specific books that many children, at all ages, will love. The chapters are organized according to genre (sort of). Chapter titles include "The Math and Science of Reading;" "Inside the Gingerbread House: Fairy Tales, Wonder Tales, and Fantasy;" and "Now Playing in a Book Near You: Broadcast and Performance." Check it out for great books and fabulous ways to connect your kids with books.
Margaret's Book: Graceling by Kristin Cashore
So, for the fantasy lovers in this course who've talked about Narnia, Lloyd Alexander, Wrinkle in Time, and others, here's a newer fantasy novel that builds on the best of the classics.
In Graceling, Cashore has created a feudal world with an interesting infusion of magic. Some people in this world are born with a grace which is an extreme, magical talent. The main character’s grace is fighting and killing people. She was fostered to her uncle, the local overlord, who used her as a bully to keep the peasants and farmers in line. The crux of the story begins when she escapes her uncle’s influence and begins to establish her own identity, including how she will use her grace for good, rather than for bullying. I particularly enjoyed this YA novel because of the ways in which the main character works to disrupt the cultural gender stereotypes in her world. While I read this book for my own reading pleasure, not because I can use it in my elementary teaching context, I believe that middle and high school readers would relate to the teen characters in the book. Likewise, adults who enjoy YA fantasy will also enjoy it!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Resource Sharing
For awhile The Diary of a Wimpy Kid was everywhere. I found three Wimpy books in my house alone. The Wimpy Kid is well supported online and there is a movie on dvd as well. The book I'd like to share is The Diary of a Wimpy Kid Do-It-Yourself Book by Jeff Kinney.
This book has prompts and questions in the style of the regular Wimpy books and there is space in the back for the child to write his/her own diary. I wish all kids had access to this type of diary because the prompts and style are motivating. I guess you can use some of the prompts to get kids writing in their own books.
My second book is Ruby's Wish by Shirin Yim Bridges and illustrated by Sophie Blackall. The story is of a little girl who lives in a very, VERY large family. She does not wish to get married, as the tradition goes. She would like to go to school. The illustrations are lovely - with deep, rich reds. There is also some explanation as to Chinese culture, however it is rather superficial. I am not the judge as to whether the story reflects traditional Chinese culture however it is claimed to be the author's grandmother's true story.
The last piece I have to add to this resource post is a pair of websites. The first is a website run by the California Department of Education. They have a math and science trade book literature search. You can search by title, author, keyword and more.
The second site is from RIF - Reading is Fundamental. Now that's a phrase straight from my childhood. There are book reviews, animated stories, multicultural texts, games, activities, featured authors, an opportunity to help write a monthly story and web picks from other kids. The web picks are particularly useful for teachers and parents to guide children toward book-centric sites.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Childre's Book
Both of my daughters and students while substituting have throughly enjoyed Junie "B." Jones and her on going situations. Join Junie and follow her through riding the bus, makes friends, looses teeth. All of the life situations that our little ones are experiencing or soon to they can read about and commiserate with Junie. All of the books that I have read are also written in a way to be interesting to adults also.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
River of Dreams: The Story of the Hudson River
Crow Call by Lois Lowry
National Geographic Kids: Dogeared Book Club
I found this resource by going to a resource I use all the time: The American Library Association Website ( I'm sure most of you have used this site at some point or another, but if not you really should check it out. They have a particular page designated to great web sites for kids. I chose this one because I have used National Geographic Kids in the past as a resource and know them to have excellent information. What is so cool about National Geographic Kids Dogeared is that it is a blog for kids that is ALL about books. Kids can share information on the books they've read, their opinions on them, create reading wish lists, and so much more. It's really a fantastic resource for kids, but also for teachers. Teachers can go on this site and find out which books students like and enjoy. The bloggers are of all ages: 6, 12, 12, etc. What's also so cool about this site is that you can navigate through it so easily. You can search by blogger, subject or category, or just browse. You really must check it out!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key - Jack Gantos
Sunday, April 18, 2010
The True Story of the Three Little Pigs
The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs (Reprint) (Paperback)
Author: Jon Scieszka
Edition: Reprint (1996-03) Other editions Publisher: Puffin Books Paperback: 32 pages
I love this book!!! It just makes me smile to read the title. By A. Wolf??? Who wouldn't laugh at that? I believe that this book brings the lesson that there are two sides to every story to just about any age group. For the very young reader it would be best to read the book to them and then prompt with questions and for the more advanced reader I believe that they can get the message on their own. I also like that the book does not really try to address the fact that there is another version of this story out there, just acknowledges it and then tells the story from the wolfs perspective. A great read for any classroom and easily adaptable.
Monday, March 29, 2010
I love this resource! So often all our attention goes to struggling readers who are not the only kids out there. Especially now with so many educational cuts, special program for gifted children have become nonexistent. This a a great site. It has an awesome compilation of links to extensive reading lists.
Some of them are:
International Reading Association Teacher Choices Book List
101 Great Books recommended for College Bound Readers
New York Times Children's Bestsellers List
101 Out-Of-This-World Books For Kids Ages 8-13
Best Loved Books: A Unique Reading List for Gifted Students in Grades 6-12
Good Books for Good Readers
Books for Children Featuring Gifted Children
*****Plus about 40 others******
Hoagie's Gifted Education Page home has many other resources and information about gifted education as well with tabs for parents, educators, kids, what's new, gifted information, community, conferences, and shopping.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Polaris--Library search engine
Monday, March 1, 2010
Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
Percy, the main character, begins as a boy that is about to be kicked out of a boarding school. He seems to get into trouble wherever he goes. He has changed schools often. What he soon begins to learn is that he is a bit different and his mom has always known this fact. He had never known his dad and come to find out, he is a greek God. Not just any greek God, but Poseidon.
Percy is sent on a quest to find out who stole Zeus' lightning bolt. He is the suspect, but Percy knows that he has to prove his innocence. Along the way, he meets Medusa, Hades, and other mythical creatures. The story does include violent scenes as well as dark subjects such as death.
Kids who love adventure stories will be enthralled by this tale. It is mediocre in its storytelling, but captivating anyway. Greek mythology would be an excellent tie in and informative if the reader continues reading the series. (This is the first in a series of four books.) Well worth your time to explore this series (and the movie!).